Brief History of Kaduvettoor Parent Family (Chengannur)

Miracle at Palayoor by Apostle St.Thomas and Pakalomattam Family

In the 52nd year of first century AD, Jesus Christ’s Apostle St.Thomas landed at Kodungallur, near Muziris for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus in Kerala, then Cheranad, and after preaching salvation message to the local communities and immigrant Jews there, he performed the miracle at Palayoor temple pool, whereby four Brahmin family members, namely Pakalomattam, Shankarapuri, Kalli, Kaaliyaankal accepted Christian faith and took Baptism. Subsequently, due to the opposition to the new faith by the majority communities, these four families had to flee from Palayoor; and travelling southwards in Cheranad, through Angamali and Ettumanoor areas, took shelter in Kaalikaavu near Kurvilangad and settled with the same four house names. Series of these incidents are well-accepted part of the early history of Kerala Christian Church.

St.Thomas has conferred priestly and bishopric status to Pakalomattam Nazranis, out of the four Brahmin families who followed the faith of Jesus of Nazreth, because they were traditional vedic teachers. St.Thomas anointed baptized elderly Brahmin family members as Priests (Auppan) and scholarly elder Brahmin members as Chief Priests (ValiaAuppan or Mooppan). Since the year 345 AD onwards, when the first Archadeacon, (not ArchDeacon as commonly used) which means head of one set of people, meaning Jaathikku karthavyan in Malayalam, was anointed by Bishop Mar Joseph who came from Edessa with Knayi Thoma, Archadeacons were from Pakalomattam family for about 1300 years till MarThoma Metropolitan period started in 1653 AD after the Koonan Cross Oath; and also from the year 1653 AD starting with Bishop Marthoma1 till Marthoma IX in 1816 AD, the Malankara Church was continuously headed by Bishops from Pakalomattam for more than 163 years. In Roman Catholic Church, known as ‘Pazhayakoottu’ faction after the Kerala Church was divided into two, subsequent to Koonan Cross Oath of 1653 AD, which was the culmination of the Latinisation efforts at Udayamperoor Synod of 1599 AD, Pakalomattam Archadeacon position existed till about 1700 AD. Near Kaalikavu in Kuravilangad, inside Pakalomattam Family’s Church compound, five Tombs exist, which are believed to be those of Archadeacons from Pakalomattam.

Pakalomattam ValiaAuppan’s Journey from Kuravilangad to Chengannur

Kaduvettoor family’s history, according to traditional belief and legends, begins from the end of first century AD with the arrival of ValiaAuppan of Pakalomattam family in Muthavazhi, Chengannur from Kuravilangad, whose Pakalomattam family along with other Nazrani Brahmin families had migrated and settled in Kuravilangad after being baptized by St.Thomas in Palayoor. While propagating Christ’s salvation gospel, once on his way to Niranam Church that was founded by his guru and mentor St.Thomas in 54 AD, ValiaAuppan was taking rest on the bank of River Pampa in Muthavazhi, Chengannur. There was an affluent Brahmin household by the name ‘Chithrathoor Maddam’ on the river bank. The head of the Brahmin Maddam, who was a noble character with spiritual curiosity, met the sage who had exemplary spiritual powers and the gift of prayer, and was accepted at the Maddam as a transient Brahmin guest. It transpired during the Sage’s conversation with the head of the household that despite the enviable glories of the Maddam, there was a touch of sadness all over. On specific probing, the Sage learnt that the root cause of the grief was the absence of a progeny for the eldest son in the family, to whom the legacy of the family could be passed on, and the absence of such a progeny, according to the then prevailing Brahminical belief would result in the extinction of the Maddam. Realizing the intensely sad predicament, the sage fervently prayed to almighty God in Jesus name, to bless the Maddam with a much-desired progeny. The sage, according to a divine revelation foretold the head of the Maddam that in about an year’s time there would be a male progeny in the family. Responding to this optimistic news, the head of the Maddam promised the Sage that if his prediction were to become a reality, he would be gifted with one-half of the Maddam‘s ancestral property as a token of his gratitude. The Sage continued on his journey and returned to the Maddam after one year, only to be told that his prediction had become a reality, to the glory of God and the promised male progeny was born. The Sage was readily gifted with one half of the Maddam‘s estate on the southern side, and allowed to build a house thereon; hence the house was initially called ‘Pathivettoor’, being ‘Pathi-vettia-oor’, (Pathi meaning half and vettia meaning cut portion). However, the plot was full of trees and bushes (kaadu in Malayalam) and had to be cleared (vettia) for living. Thus it was called ‘kadu-vettia-oor’ (oor meaning place of living), which had been truncated and shortened to become Kaduvettoor. Since the sage was celibate-unmarried priest, he brought his younger brother and family to live there with him. They cleared the trees and bush in the land given to them and started life. Thus the descendants of ValiaAuppan’s brother are Kaduvettoor Nazranis. It was revealed to many pious forefathers of the family that the baptismal name of ValiaAuppan was ‘Yoohanon’.

ValiaAuppan’s Tomb at Kaduvettoor and Sraadham (Death Anniversary) on ME Meenam 12

ValiaAuppan continued preaching his saviour Jesus Christ’s gospel, as per the command of his master and Apostle St.Thomas, who was martyred in 72 AD, in and around the land, travelling far and wide. At the perfect and appointed time, after ‘fighting the good fight, finishing his race and keeping the faith’, ValiaAuppan was called upon to his heavenly abode with the saints of God, to ‘receive the crown of righteousness at that day’. As there were no Church or cemetery in the surrounding Chengannur areas then, ValiaAuppan’s body was buried in the land gifted to him, as wished by him before death, in the same place where his Tomb (kuriyala, meaning Sepulchre, the place where mortal remains are laid) exists now, in the courtyard of Kaduvettoor Tharavadu, and in the premises of Kaduvettoor St.Mary’s Church built much later. A suitable memorial tomb with Kurissumthotti (Tower of Cross) was built where he was buried. Ever since ValiaAuppan was laid to rest, lighting of oil lamps was being performed every day and evening at the Tomb, and devotees used to pray and offer Nerchas from ancient times for the healing of chickenpox and other diseases, casting off demons scourge and fulfilment of desires. Innumerable miracles occur with the intercession of this saint, which is the proof of devotees thronging to the holy man’s tomb and getting blessed. Members of the family living near and far and other devotees are offering to perform Holy Qurbana every Saturday morning and other occasions at Kaduvettoor St.Mary’s Church, as an expression of praising God and of thanksgiving for the blessings bestowed upon them through the intercession of ValiaAuppan.

Every year between the last weeks of March and April months, precisely on Meenam 12 of Malayalam Era, ‘SRAADHAM‘ (religious rites of death anniversary) is performed at the tomb. Morning Service and Holy Qurbana are celebrated by an Orthodox Bishop as per Malankara Orthodox rites on that day morning, followed by Rassa (procession), then ‘Dhoopa prarthana’ (Incense Prayer) at the Tomb and ‘Kaimuthu’ (blessing), after which Samooha Sadhya (mass vegetarian lunch) as ValiaAuppan’s Nercha is served by Kudumbayogam to all participants, in which thousands of family members and devotees from all castes and religions participate. The main Nercha of Valia Auppen’s Sradham is the blessed Varattu payassam (dried rice pudding). The head Brahmin (Karanavar) of the Chithrathoor Maddam with his family lights the oil lamp at Valia Auppen’s Sepulture early morning of Sraadham day, as a ritual and tradition through centuries. That day from dawn to dusk, the devotees from all castes and religions throng in thousands to the Tomb, lighting the oil lamp and candles, and submit their prayers, supplications and offerings as thanks-giving for the blessings received through ValiaAuppan’s intercession. Saint Mary’s Church and Tomb of ValiaAuppan are sacred places of unity and brotherhood of all castes and religions, standing as a shelter to bend upon for peace and solace, and for the blessing and protection of the place and people of the land at times of both trouble and peace.

Kaduvettoor Saint Mary’s Church & Perunal

Kaduvettoor St. Mary’s church and other buildings erected on the western side of Kaduvettoor Valia Auppen’s tomb, in the property gifted by Kaduvettoor Tharavadu and properties purchased thereafter and owned by duly registered Kudumbayogam, do not belong to any particular denomination of Church, nor a Parish Church, like normal Churches. All members of Family, belonging to various parishes of all denomination of Christian Church, have the right to pray in Kaduvettoor Church. However, as almost all family members residing around Kaduvettoor St.Mary’s Church belong to Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, the Holy Qurbana and other services are being conducted according to Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church faith and order of services. Though the tomb of Kaduvettoor ValiaAuppan was already there from end of first century AD, Kaduvettoor St.Mary’s Church was constructed later by the devout hard work of our forefathers, when Mr.Ninan Thomas was the President of Kudumbayogam and consecrated on 25th March 1976 by late lamented HG Daniel Mar Philexinos Metropolitan of Thumpamon Diocese of Malankara Orthodox Church. Corner stone for Church construction was laid on 25th March 1953 by the proud pillar of Malankara Orthodox Church, reverently remembered HG Mathews Mar Coorilos of Kollam Diocese, when His Grace was Ramban, (later Catholicos Moran Mar Baselios MarThomas Mathews-II). Malankara Metropolitans and Catholicose of the East during various periods in second half of 20th century, namely Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Mathews-I, Mathews-II, Didimos-I, and other Metropolitans have visited the Church on various Perunal days and celebrated Holy Qurbana in the Church and conducted Dhoopa prarthana (incense prayer) at the tomb of Valia Auppen. H.G. Paalakkunnathu Mathews Mar Athanasios, who was Malankara Metropolitan during the mid-years of 19th century also had visited Valia Auppen’s tomb. Holy Qurbana as per Orthodox Syrian rite is conducted every Saturday morning by 7-30, followed by Dhoopaprarthana at the Sepulture as per decisions of the Moola Kudumbayogam Managing Committee, which is managing the affairs of the Church, Valia Auppen’s Tomb and the Aministrative offices. Kaduvettoor St.Mary’s Church dedication day Perunal festivities are held on March 25th every year with holy Qurbana, Raasa and Nercha on Saint Mary’s Annunciation day (Vachanippu Perunal).

Vellamkudi- Feast of Kaduvettoor ValiaAuppan

Devotees in general and Kaduvettoor family members in particular from all over Kerala and abroad occasionally conduct feast of ValiaAuppan named ‘Vellamkudi’, as Nercha offering and thanksgiving for desire fulfillment and prayer request for blessings through ValiaAuppan’s intercession to Jesus Christ, the son of God. The term ‘Vellamkudi’ is comprised of two words, Vellam (water) and kudi (drinking), and it is a colloquial usage for a tea party or snack party after a prayer meeting. From ancient times, for blessings through ValiaAuppan’s intercession, Vellamkudi ritual was conducted in the houses of the faithful, according to traditional rituals and in reverence and purity, with all family members residing nearby getting involved in all the preparations. Now the Kudumbayogam authorities have made arrangements to perform Vellamkudi in Kaduvettoor Church premises, for those who have inconvenience to perform the ritual in their home. Arrangements and procedures for performing Vellamkudi and Vachuvirippu (presentation of offerings) are described in detail in Parent Family History Book.

This unique generations-old practice of Christians conducting Vachuvirippu and Vellamkudi, in a predominantly Brahminic style of honouring the founding Brahmin forefather, Kaduvettoor ValiaAuppan is proudly continued by the Kaduvettoor Mappilas and devotees in other families. While ValiaAuppan’s Tomb stands as the authentic and prominent historical evidence and witness of Kaduvettoor family’s origin by the end of first century AD, as Kaduvettoor ValiaAuppan of Pakalomattam family had come to Muthavazhi of Chengannur, with his brother and family from Kuravilangad, the ancient settlement of Nazrani Brahmins who had migrated from Palayoor; the unique practice of Kaduvettoor Nazranis conducting Vellamkudi and Vachuvirippu for generations in a predominantly Brahminic ethics of remembering and praying for their Brahmin forefather, is a proof of the Brahminical ancestry of the Family. Nazrani Brahmins had followed their former Hindu Brahmin community customs and practices, in the Indian social and cultural environments where they also lived; but with Christian prayers and in accordance with the traditional belief of praying for the departed who died in faith. The practice of remembering in gratitude the deceased forefathers and performing dhoopaprarthana at their tomb, and the practices and customary rituals followed by Malankara Nazranis according to the Babylonian Suraya-Persian Christian tradition and culture for centuries, like fowl offering as in St.George’s festival, are part of tradition, which is believed to be a blessing for generations.

Kaduvettoor Moola Kudumbayogam (Parent Family meet)

By the grace of God and the intercession and blessings of ValiaAuppan, the founder of the Family, Kaduvettoor moola Kudumbayogam (Parent Family meet) which started in 1910 AD had its centenary year in 2010. Because of the splendid and sincere services of our forefathers who were involved in the organization and leadership activities during its formation a century ago and subsequent periods, and also of current office bearers, Moola Kudumbayogam has completed its 110 years of incessant functioning in 2020. Annual General Body meeting of Moola Kudumbayogam is being held without fail on the first day of Sraadha Perunal, where Performance Report of previous year activities is presented by the Secretary, the audited Accounts by the Treasurer and Audit Report by Auditors. The Budget for the coming year is also presented and gets approved. Election of Office Bearers is conducted every year for the posts of President, Patrons, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurer, other members of the Managing Committee and Auditors, in accordance with the registered Constitution and Bye-laws of Kaduvettoor Kudumbayogam for a term of one year. Kaduvettoor Family has 10 Sakha Kudumbayogams (Branch Families) now, registered with the central moola Kudumbayogam, and situated in and around central Travancore area, namely; 1.Nariyapuram-Kaduvettoor, 2.Kozhencherry-Vanchithra-Thevarthundiyil, 3.Mavelikara-Cherukol-Kaduvettoor, 4.Theveri-Pullippadavil, 5.Niranam-Kaduvettoor, 6.Pallippadu-Moothampaakal, 7.Mundakayam-Valiyaputhussery, 8.Vallamkulam-Kaduvettoor, 9.Thalavadi-Karrisseril and 10.Vennikulam-Kaduvettoor. From each registered Shakha kudumbayogam, President, Secretary and members in accordance with the membership strength of each Shakha kudumbayogam, are elected every year to the central Moola kudumbam Managing Committee. For the positions of President, Vice President, General Secretary, Secretary and Treasurer, members of the Moolakudumbam only are elected, for the sake of convenient day-to-day administration of Kaduvettoor Church, Valia Auppen’s Kuriyala and Kudumbayogam office. From each sub-family of Moolakudumbam, representatives are elected to the Managing Committee every year.

Prominent Priests & Lay members of Kaduvettoor Family

The Chief Patron of Kaduvettoor kudumbayogam is Moolakudumbam member, His Grace Dr.Zacharias Mar Aprem of Orthodox Church. Rt.Rev.Thomas Mar Timotheos of Marthoma Church (from Moolakudumbam) and His Grace Mathews Mar Thevodosios of Jacobite Church (from Nariyapuram Shakha) are distinguished Bishops from Kaduvettoor family. Malankara Sabha Bhasuran, Malankara Metropolitan Saint Vattasseril Geevarghese Mar Dionysius VI hails from maternal lineage of Kozhenchery-Vanchithra Thevarthundiyil Shakha (Oripramannil) of Kaduvettoor Family, about which we can be proud of. Rt.Rev.Dr.Mathews Mar Athanasios of Marthoma Syrian Church has his maternal roots to Thevarthundiyil branch, as mentioned in the family history book of Vanchithra Thevarthundiyil Shakha. Mother of HH Moran Mar Baselios MarThoma Didimos1, Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan hail from Kaduvettoor-Edanad (late Sosamma, wife of Mavelikara Chiramel Mulamoottil Thomas).

Moreover, Kaduvettoor Family has a long array of priestly men of repute, serving the Lord from generations, such as; Vicars of Chengannur Old Syrian Church at the time of the division of Malankara Syrian Church during 19th century AD, namely Kaduvettoor Vaidyanveettil Rev. Joseph Kathanaar, his son Rev. Koshy Kathanaar, and Kaduvettoor Kottarathil Rev. Varkey Thomas Kathanaar, who worked for the evangelization of the downtrodden in Othara and also the leading participant at the crucial meeting held at Chengannur Kallissery ‘Kadvail Maalika’ in 1888, which lead to the beginning of famous Maramon Convention in 1895; Vanchithra-Thevarthundiyil Mooppachan, the priest of Kozhancheri Church when it was constructed during 17th century, Valiathundiyil Kathanaar and priests of the following generation; Kunjummen Auppan, founder priest of Theveri-Pullippadavil branch during 17th century; founder of Mavelikara-Cherukole branch, Rev.P.M.Varghese, who served as a Priest in CSI Church, attracted by the Anglican Missionaries during 19th century and involved in the education and uplift of the downtrodden; Ascetic priest Fr.P.G.Koshy (Parampil achen) of Nariyapuram branch, who worked in Brahmavaar Mission for evangelization and education of Konkani-speaking people of south Karnataka during the first part of 20th century; and many other departed priests of various denominations of Churches. At present, several prominent priests, pastors and nuns of parent Family and Sakha (branch) Families are in the services of various Churches, including Malankara Orthodox Church, Malankara Marthoma Church, Jacobite Syrian Church, Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, Church of South India, Evangelical Church and Pentecostal Churches.

Renowned High Court Advocate Kottarathil K.T. Thomas (former President of Moolakudumbayogam), who was the Travancore State Congress Secretary, leading agitations against the autocratic rule of then Diwan Sir CP and took part in Freedom Movement of India during the first half of 20th century AD, Parampil P.J.Thomas, 3-time former MLA from Konni and Rubber Board Chairman, famous Space Scientist Padmashri Dr.George Joseph Vaidyanveettil, District Collector & Govt. Secretaries, Mundolil Iype Mathew IAS, Pullippadavil Mrs.Anna George Malhotra IAS, famous Novelist and cine story-writer P. Ayyaneth, former College Principals Fr.Daniel Ayyaneth, Fr.Oommen Ayyaneth are few of the noteworthy laity sons of our great Kaduvettoor family. As shown in the Family Genealogy, Family is blessed with numerous proud sons and daughters who render highly commendable services to the society in various places in India and abroad, engaged in different professional fields, such as politics, law & judiciary, social service, arts, culture, military, governmental, science & technology, accountancy, medical, higher education, banking, management, trade & industry, agriculture etc. acclaiming recognition. Kaduvettor family members live in many places such as Chengannur, Niranam, Theveri, Edathua, Thalavadi, Mavelikara, Cherukol, Chennithala, Kozhenchery, Vanchithra, Nariyapuram, Anchal, Konni, Pathanapuram, Ayiroor, Vallamkulam, Kanjirappali, Mundakayam, Kottayam, Mallappalli, Thiruvalla, Vennikkulam, Pallippad, Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Aluva, and in other States in India and various places abroad.

Genealogy of Kaduvettoor Parent Family & History Book

Excluding the history of 10 Shakha kudumbayogams (Branch families) of Kaduvettoor, residing out of Chengannur area over centuries, few of whom have prepared their separate books of Branch Family History and Genealogy, and due to megalophobia, fear of vast size of book, the Family Tree and Genealogy Chart, tracing the roots of male members for the last 6 to 7 generations of all the 30 sub-families with 500 houses of 2,000 members of the Kaduvettoor parent family (Moolakudumbam) in Chengannur, along with details of ValiaAuppan’s Sraadham, Vellamkudi-Feast, Kaduvettoor St.Mary’s church, pictures of important events and Family History, depicted in the background of Persian-Malankara Church history, Nazrani tradition, Kerala-Chengannur history, is prepared and made available both in Malayalam and English, in Book and digital forms. Kaduvettoor Tharavadu, Pallathu, Panamkattil, Mundolil, Plantharayil, Illathu, Koonamparambil, Aakkallur, Lahayil, Kandathil, Kottarathil, Vaidyanveetil, Manthanathu, Melethethil, Kokkarathu, Neyyasseril, Karingattil, Kocheethra, Thacharupallathu, Elanjimoottilparambil, Kazhunnakkunnel, KaleekalThekethil, PadinjareUzhathil, Kalluzhathil, Keecheripallath, Keecheril, Palamoottil, Karimpumkalayil, and Vadakeleth are the 30 sub-families, living in and around Chengannur. Pray that Kaduvettoor ValiaAuppan’s intercession be a fortress and blessing for all.

(Compiled by Ninan Kaduvettoor for Kaduvettoor Parent Family, released on 2020 Sraadham day) – for private circulation only.